Tuesday 6 April 2010

To vote Libertarian is a defensive act

Government is not helpful, it harms us because we do not chose it, we cannot reject it in the manner that we can walk out of a shop without buying something (not stealing, just refusing to buy) and we will not be violently attacked, in this situation, usually.

Is the Government a good thing?

Is it good to have a Government?

Is Government helpful to Society? How can they be helpful if they are of a privileged class, above other people, the votes, apparently, give them an extra status which makes them special, and above the typical laws. Democracy enables us to restrict access to the hierarchy and keep bad people out, to an extent. Why tolerate the hierarchy, the rules? It is not the rules that are the problem, we can do nothing about them, the courts are defensive, it is the coercion.

But with Democracy we can keep bad people from office, but they are replaced by someone else, who might not be as bad, but they are still the ruler and may be stupid. Can't we keep them all out, and allow the truth to be the best deciding factor and not the identity of the person issuing the belief? What does it matter who made the decision; the facts are unaltered?

Who do we vote for if we cannot choose a candidate with a chance of winning that will not steal from us? What choice is a choice between thieves? Theft (by the Government) is popular. The only vote that might count would be a vote for one of the high taxation parties...

The burden should not be on the voter to prevent theft, theft should be justified if it is to take place. It is not right that we are vulnerable to the theft in the first place. The theft will take place if a defensive Government is not selected. To vote for a Libertarian party is to organise a defence.

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