Saturday 24 April 2010

Taxation is a form of slavery

Taxation is following orders from the Government, this is different from following the Law which we must do to protect peace, but to follow orders is coercive and an expression of false, positive rights. If we are sovereign individuals then we would not have anyone to tell us what to do, we can always refuse and we would only be subject to requests. If there is no punishment for failure to perform (without an associated threat) then it is a request.

Would we want someone to do something against their own wishes? Why do the Government want people to pay taxes? If there must be a ruler then it is best (perhaps) to be that person, but better than that is to have none. A Judge (and associated court) is not a ruler, they uphold the peace and natural laws.

There should be no instructions that cannot be refused without punishment. Should anyone own a slave?

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