Friday 23 April 2010

It's not right to force people to pay taxes

Everything is a crime with the exclusion of those actions which we are allowed, permitted to do. We are not permitted to steal. We are permitted to do nothing, to help others and to sell our labour and trade. We are not permitted to do crimes. Is the Government permitted to do crimes? Why is the Government permitted to extract taxation, when an individual may not? If the Government can do it then everyone can do it, for it to be moral, without a contradiction.

It is a contradiction to prevent a person from committing crimes that the Government is able to do.

The Government should not be allowed to commit taxation. If it is allowed, then for what reason are we not allowed to tax each other, or the Government? Why is extortion illegal? Taxation is not (a) right. Using (aggressive) force on people is not right. Being aggressive is not right.

There is no need for taxation; is it enjoyable to tax people or does the Government regret it? Crime is failing to allow others to life as they might expect to be able to do, it is selfishness. If we are thoughtful towards others, kind, then life is more pleasant for everyone.

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