Wednesday 17 February 2010

We are responsible for our own safety

The left wing are timewasters because they take our resources (the produce of our labour) and spend it on what they like, without justification. We waste time because we must do more work than before to get the same result. This wastes our time.

It would not be wasting time if there was a justification for their actions, for example if they knew of a pressing need. But since we do not know of what the need is, we must deduce that they are wasting time.

Is it valid to state that we are threatened by an unstated threat? It could be anything, or nothing. If the Government are able to do enough to convince us of the threat then people might choose to pay by choice. We might choose to know of a danger that threatens us and pay to find out. To be told after the cash has been claimed through force that the tax is justified with an unstated threat is not right. By then it doesn't matter. We require justification if we are to wield authority.

We must give a reason if we wish to demand taxation, otherwise it is violence. Might it not be arbitrary, even though we do not know what the reason is? This is similar to a claim to have knowledge about God.

Are the people to be allowed to take their chances with freedom, and not pay taxes? Only we have responsibility for our safety, not the Government.

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