Saturday 27 March 2010

What have you lost? Nothing!

What crime is it to have failed to do enough for others?

If we have not done enough to help our fellow man, or even other species of animal, is it right that we are harmed as a result for punishment? Would this provide encouragement, if so, to do what and for what purpose? If others are not compelled to do good for others then would we cease to act in that way? If others are allowed to be free then what would we choose to do with our own freedom, would we not serve others, at least in some small way?

What will be the consequence of our immorality in not sufficiently helping others?

We might choose to help others only so that we can demonstrate, in that way, the type of Society in which we would like to live. It might hurt our feelings to be made aware of how indifferent other people are to others, by their inactivity, but that would not justify the use of force to compel aid.

We should not be offended that no one might want us to be around, there is no reason to take this personally, it is simply the nature of life. The good news is that, generally, we are valued by others, at least for our utility...

What reason is there to expect help from a good Samaritan, a helpful passerby? We can rely only on ourselves, if that.

If we are lazy enough we get thirsty and then to drink feels refreshing, which keeps us alive.

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