Wednesday 24 March 2010

It is best if people are left to make their own choice

Socialists do not have the intent to do harm, they want a good and nice outcome but the results never match this. Trying to help, if it cannot be refused, often leads to a worse outcome.

Conservatives generally use defensive force, but often in a misguided and misdirected way; they might seek to regulate a voluntary activity. Socialists often use aggressive force, but with the justification that it is to do good. They will ask, am I not spending this money in a beneficent way? They do not ask how the money would have been spent, had it not been taken in taxes.

The crime of Socialism is that the money is wasted and is not able to be used by ordinary people to resolve their problems.

People are best at solving their own problems, not the Government.

Socialism hinders our ability to provide for ourselves. Why not let people pay for their requirements themselves?

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