Monday 15 March 2010

We have a right to do anything which is not harmful

If a lack of harm means no debt, then anything which is not harmful to others is then allowed.

This means we have a right to trade whatever we want, so long as the recipient is responsible and has the ability to refuse. We can earn whatever we are capable to earn and employ whomsoever we like. We can engage in any activity that doesn't harm others.

The Government and the State only has the right to prevent us from acting in this way if we have caused harm, or perhaps if our actions will lead us to cause harm. Harm can include damage to property such as pollution.

Freedom is a right defined as the ability to perform any action which is not harmful to others. Unless we are not free, then we have a right to do any action which is not harmful. If we are free, then innocent actions are a right.

We have a right to sell our labour, without taxation, if we are free. To be free means we have the right to do what we like provided it doesn't harm other people, or property. We have a right to do anything which is not harmful, unless we are a slave.

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