Thursday 19 November 2009

Aggressive taxes destroy life

Force must only be used defensively.

Unless force is used in a defensive fashion, it is illegitimate. For example expulsion (of others) from your property is defensive, although ownership may, of course, be disputed. Repelling an attacker is defensive. Intervening against the thief is defensive.

Any aggressive use of force is a crime (even if it is perpetrated by the State, under democracy) and is best made illegal.

It is always legitimate to ask why the Non-Aggression Principle must be violated, for example "why have Sales Tax?" since we know the subject prefers not. If you are being mean, or hurting someone, it is reasonable for others to ask for an explanation.

The simple desire to harm others, if it is present in the offender, is not sufficient reason because this is evil. And we are left to conclude that this disgusting desire is the reason, unless another explanation, justification is offered.

Unless the Non-Aggression Principle is being violated out of nothing but spite, which is not valid... then there are no mitigating circumstances.

If someone is being hurt by someone else, it is reasonable to ask for an explanation or justification. And since, in abundance, there is no justification for aggression, to initiate violence, then doing so is (evil and) a crime.

Unless Income Tax is evil, there must be some justification for it, and since none exists, it then is evil. Locking people up in prison for failure to pay Income Tax is cruel and evil... Income Tax is a cruel tax.

To define cruelty and evil; it means something that destroys life.

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