Friday 13 November 2009

The advantages of an ownership tax

An ownership tax is preferable to other forms of taxation because unlike, for example, income, ownership affects other people. If I own a field, it means that others do not have the right to use it themselves. Equally, if I own a house it gives me the right to instruct the State to eject squatters. This affects other people.

The means of production (instruments, not only subjects of labour) are a form of property and too could be subject to such a tax. Lack of access to a factory makes it more likely that the owner will profit from the production that someone else.

Ownership, whilst not bad in itself, affects others and if left to get out of hand, through accumulation of property via landlordism, can have a detrimental affect on the community so we should introduce an ownership tax in the case of accumulation of property being a problem.

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